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How to Get Rid of Terrorost Attacks!

It is a matter of great concern that terrorist attacks aren’t restricted to a specific place or region – they have eliminated borders and jumped from one continent to another, thanks to the relentless efforts of ISIS and other extremist groups.The tools world leaders have promoted and employed to battle this wave of terror have been found wanting; some might say they’ve actually made the problem worse.

This is really a subject of talk that Friday’s wave of terror spanning three continents took place roughly a year after leading nations decided to confront ISIS in Iraq and Syria with airstrikes. The other main tool in the international arsenal against terror – other than verbal condemnations – appears to be of the “technical” kind, namely intelligence-sharing and stricter border controls.However, despite this counterattack, ISIS and other groups in the last year have continued to make gains in Syria, Iraq and other countries – in territory, in recruitment and in atrocities.

It can't be go on .So, the world community should adopt the notion expressed by Tunisia’s president, that his and any other country can’t fight terror alone, but must be part of a global effort.Just because the leaders of a number of countries pose for a photograph after an “anti-terror meeting” doesn’t make the effort serious. There should be a serious discussion about the roots of the problem, and a serious solution will require massive resources, arming partners on the ground and countering the ideology of extremism with education and other tools.Countries must abandon their narrow considerations and interests – terror has become a global epidemic, and only a serious, global fight has any chance of succeeding.

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