HomeSolar installations must integrate with surroundings Solar installations must integrate with surroundings NewsReviews July 18, 2014 Solar installations must integrate with surroundings The installation of solar power, we need to consider the consequences for our aesthetic environment. Three recent solar installations have had a dramatic and adverse impact on three historic buildings, the surrounding neighborhoods,and the character of the central Tucson street scape. Parking ramadas with integrated photovoltaic solar panels have been installed at the Benedictine Sanctuary (800 N. Country Club Road), Temple Emanu-El (225 N. Country Club) and Catalina Methodist Church (2700 E. Speedway).Of course the implementation of solar power is laudable, and the structures do double duty by providing shade and solar power, both important contributions to making Tucson more livable in the long term.In all three locations, however, designers made the mistake of installing a ramada that covers two adjacent rows of parking with a steeply sloped shed roof, resulting in structures that are highly visible and exceed 20 feet in height. In a commercial setting that might be acceptable, but these structures now loom over adjacent residential neighborhoods and project into the foreground of these historic properties......... Newer Older
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